Sweden is at the forefront of developing smart, 支持循环经济并有助于实现气候目标的可持续材料. With innovations in sustainable mining, green battery production, and new biomaterials, 我们将自己定位在未来移动和工业的前沿.

Key Aspects of Future Production:

  • 创新材料:PG电子官方免费下载公司是利用纳米技术开发生物质产品新应用的先驱.
  • Sustainable Mining: Sweden's mining companies, global equipment suppliers, 信息和通信技术专家正致力于在采矿的各个方面实现无化石转型——从钻井和爆破到运输和加工.
  • Sustainable Production: Northvolt Ett, Europe's first gigafactory for batteries, is powered by renewable energy. 我们协助全球电池材料供应商利用PG电子官方免费下载的绿色资质,并在整个价值链中培育新的合作伙伴关系.
  • Research and Development: With one of Europe’s highest investments in research, we continually renew our technologies and materials.

Contact us to learn more about how we can support your company.